What We Do
We make calls. We write postcards. We register voters. We speak with our neighbors. And through that work, we've built a Philadelphia movement that reflects our shared values. With training, organization, and action, we've built lasting power on our home turf and powerful alignment with national political muscle that is exercised in every corner of the country.
Educate & Engage
At our meetings, you can find out about the issues that our members have told us they care about the most. We’ve hosted programs on the environment, health care, immigration, and more.
Check out our calendar for virtual meetings you can attend from home! And find recordings of past virtual meetings on our YouTube channel.

"The meeting was powerful and full of important (and horrifying) information, some of which was sadly not new to me. You are not only Indivisible, you are Indispensable!”
-- An attendee at our recent informational meeting about Moms For Liberty's Philadelphia event and how to counter protest.

Voter Registration
We have run in-person voter registration drives in city parks, at libraries, street fairs, and even museums. In 2020, we distributed voter registration forms and information in apartment buildings and mailed postcards to voters across Philadelphia.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to find out about volunteer opportunities.
We’ve also developed a toolkit so that you can learn from our experiences and train others.
Canvassing & Community Engagement
We know that canvassing is the most effective way to reach voters, so we’ve partnered with Turn PA Blue and Swing Left throughout the region to support local progressive candidates. It’s an important way that people living in solid blue districts can help make a difference.
In 2021, we launched two new programs:
In our Neighborhood Canvassing Project, we used data to reach potential voters and set the stage for 2022.
The 35 Doors Project encourages our members to engage on a hyperlocal level with their neighborhood.
Read more about both projects here, or email us to get involved!​​​

Demand Accountability
Our government leaders work for us, and we regularly connect with our local Members of Congress (MoCs) to let them know how we feel about important issues.
A big focus in 2021 was making sure Democrats take advantage of their control of Congress to pass
structural democracy reform, including:-
HR. 1/S. 1 (voting rights, anti-corruption, campaign
finance reform) -
John Lewis Voting Rights Act
DC Statehood
End the filibuster
Progress on court reform
We make coordinated calls to our MoCs to move forward important legislation and advocate for action, providing you with contact information and call scripts. Sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a call to action!

Postcarding & Textbanking
In 2018 and 2019, our volunteers wrote tens of thousands of postcards at our Cards & Coffee and Cards & Cocktails events, where you can make friends and make a difference at the same time. In 2020, we even launched virtual postcarding events.
In June 2020, we launched No Excuses Philly to encourage Philadelphia voters to sign up for vote by mail. We sent out more than half a million postcards! Read more about the project here.
In 2022, we wrote to infrequent voters to let them know about the positive impact Democratic legislation is having on their lives. Learn more about it here, or email us to get involved!
Mobilize Protests & Actions
We partner with MoveOn and other groups to respond to urgent issues--because sometimes, you just need to make a sign or else lose your mind!
We’ve sent delegations to the Women’s March, hosted a live reading of the Mueller report on Independence Mall, helped navigate the Baby Trump Balloon down the Parkway during a rally for the victims of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, rallied to "Count Every Vote" in 2020, and held a massive rally in June 2021 on Independence Mall for S. 1, the For the People Act!
Want to participate?
Check out the events calendar to find upcoming actions or sign up for the newsletter.