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Your Messaging Monday Is Here!


22 Days Until Election Day


Hello Messaging Monday!


Happy Monday and Indigenous Peoples' Day, Activists! 


Here is this week's messaging content.  You can easily post on your social media, this time to help voters fill out their mail-in ballots correctly.  It's a quick and easy way to amplify our messages to voters.  And give the info to your friends and family too!


But before we get started, PA Megaphone has another round of interesting and important virtual events.  One for how we stop Project 2025 and another on what's at stake for PA Youth.  Sign up for one or both of them below!




And now, here's your messaging info:

As a reminder:

1.  You'll get this short "Messaging Monday" post with the new messaging you can use.  

2.  You can also sign up for our Messaging Matters program in conjunction with PA Megaphone. Sign up at this link.  You'll receive emails every few days with more new messages you can use, with explainers for how to post them.  You can also arrange for a meeting to ask questions one-on-one. 


Let's get going!

Copy and paste the text  below into the post.

Use the link below to download the graphic and then paste it into your social media post.


Here's the text for your post. Just copy and paste it into your social media post. Include the hashtags too!

Ready to return your completed mail ballot?Mail it ASAP!


Return it yourself at the county’s drop-off spots:


And One More Thing:

Did someone forward this newsletter to you?  Sign up here to get it in your inbox.


Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram



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