Happy Day-After-Election-Day, Activists!

You all, and we all, together, got it done in Pennsylvania yesterday. And we at Indivisible Philadelphia HQ want to say how much we thank you and how grateful we are to be in this with you. If you registered voters; If you canvassed; If you wrote postcards; If you phone-banked; If you text-banked; If you reminded friends and family to vote; If you helped someone cure their mail-in ballot; If you were a poll worker; If you are one of our Neighborhood Leaders; If you were a poll watcher; If you staffed our GOTV Billboard Truck operation; If you staffed a voter protection line; If you donated to a campaign or to a grassroots group (like us!); If you drove someone to the polls; and If you did anything else to help turn out the vote that I've forgotten, Then You Should Take a Bow! It takes all of us working as much as we can to get these victories. We literally saved democracy in Pennsylvania yesterday, as we helped voters in Philadelphia and PA vote to prove they don't want a fascist running our state government, and that they don't want a MAGA guy in the U.S. Senate. How about that for a win? So let's take this huge victory in for a bit. And take a rest. The numbers will be digested for awhile and all of that will be interesting and illuminating. We'll have some numbers from our efforts and we'll let you know how it all turned out once we get the data. But in the meantime, savor this win. You deserve it!
35 Doors Project! Even though election day is over, it's always the time to get interested in our 35 Doors Project! We always need to sign up to talk to voters in our neighborhoods to get out the vote. This is some of the most important work you can do - and it's fun! Check out our 35 Doors Project on our website. Email us here for more info.