I think it's time right now for all of us to get off the sidelines, get in the game and fight like hell to defend the right to choose here in Pennsylvania. ~ PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro Happy Tuesday, Activists ~ We hope your week is off to a splendid start. We have a lot of options for you this week to fight back against the Supreme Court's view that abortion rights should be dissolved. And to save our democracy while we're at it. Check it all out below!

We heard you. You've shown your fear about the consequences for women and their families arising from the draft SCOTUS opinion on the fate of Roe v. Wade. If it becomes law and abolishes any protections for abortion rights, over half the states will either remove all abortion rights or severely restrict them. And Pennsylvania could enact similar laws if we don't elect a Democratic governor this year.
We don't need to sit still and wait for the final ruling. We know voters care about this, so let's send them this new postcard and remind them again why voting matters. Check out how to get involved here.
BREAKING: CALL TO ACTION - SENATOR CASEY MAY BE ON BOARD! The Senate could guarantee women's reproductive healthcare rights by passing the Women's Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe into law. The House has already passed it. Senator Chuck Schumer plans to bring it to a Senate vote this week. It seems Senator Casey has changed his vote and will support the bill! Call Senator Casey and tell him you expect him vote YES. Even though he may be in support now, we still need to let him know that we demand he vote to protect our rights. Call or email Senator Casey and tell him to vote YES on the Women's Health Protection Act. It's time to codify Roe. Phila. office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link.
THIS SATURDAY - BANS OFF OUR BODIES RALLY Women's March and Planned Parenthood are hosting a Bans Off Our Bodies Rally this Saturday at City Hall in Philadelphia. You can sign up here.
THIS SATURDAY - REACH VOTERS AND HAVE SOME FUN You have two big opportunities to talk to voters this Saturday! 1. You can register voters at the Kensington Derby and Arts Festival and check out the great food choices and arts and crafts items. Sign up for the Kensington Festival here. 2. Or you can canvass in the 53rd Ward! Sign up to canvass here.
SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS SO WOMEN GET THE HELP THEY NEED When Roe falls, 26 states are in line to criminalize abortion, with 13 of those states already having laws on the books that impose that change immediately. The demand on local abortion funds will increase immediately with some Americans needing to travel hundreds of miles in order to make a personal medical decision. You can support those organizations to help women who will be the most vulnerable forced pregnancies. Just The Pill: Just The Pill enables people in Minnesota and Montana to access medication abortion via telemedicine appointments with board certified physicians and receive the pills in the mail. The Brigid Alliance: Addresses the gap in abortion access in many parts of the country by covering travel and associated expenses for abortion patients with appointments in other states who could not otherwise afford to access abortion care. Midwest Action Fund: Helps people travel to, from, and within the Midwest to access safe and legal abortion through financial, logistical, and emotional support. Lilith Fund: Covers the costs of abortions for Texans who could not otherwise afford it Abortion Care Network: Nearly one third of independent abortion clinics have been forced to close their doors in the last six years. Independent abortion clinics serve approximately 60% of patients, but don’t have access to the level of funding that Planned Parenthood-affiliated clinics do. Donations go directly to independent abortion clinics across the country. Aid Access: Helps people access abortion pills if healthy and under 10 weeks pregnant. Here's a list of abortion access helpers by state. If someone in your life wants or needs more information on the impact of abortion rights being stripped away, you can send them this video entitled Someone You Love.
PRIMARY ELECTION INFORMATION It's one week from today! Find all your election information at our handy link - linktr.ee/VotePHL. Read about the ballot questions in our earlier newsletters here and here. Here's the Billy Penn Procrastinator’s Guide for more info. The deadlines: TODAY – Last Day to apply for a Mail-in or Absentee Ballot by 5:00 pm - Do it now! May 17 – Primary Election Day – polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm May 17 – Last Day for County Election Board to receive your Mail-in or Absentee Ballot by 8:00 pm