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Welcome Back Our Senators...and Tell Them to Get to Work!

Victoria Miller

Happy Friday, Activists!

We hope you’ve had a good week! We have a lot we’re working on to help you take action and a lot already on the calendar. So check it all out below as we catch up on all of it.

As we described in Wednesday’s email, we need to call our Representatives, Evans or Boyle, as they are crafting the tax plan for the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. And if you wonder about we need to fix our taxing strategy, check out this article about how, according to the Treasury Department, the top 1% of taxpayers are not even paying the taxes they legally owe, to the tune of $7 trillion over the past ten years. Time for a change!

Call your Representative – Boyle or Evans – every day and ask them to make sure the tax structure pays for our five recovery priorities in the final reconciliation bill.

Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila. office 215-276-0340; email link

Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila. office 215-335-3355; email link

Check out our other Calls to Action and our upcoming meetings list from Wednesday’s email too. We have a lot on the docket for you!

Tell Our Senators: "Welcome Back, Now Do Your Job!"

The Senate goes back into session in D.C. next Monday, after several weeks in recess. So we're welcoming them back - with a strong message to do their job and pass a bold reconciliation package and the For the People Act.

Here are two ways for you to send the message!

(1) Fill out the report cards, instructions below, and we’ll deliver them to their offices.

(2) Come to our rally next Tuesday, September 14, with Tuesdays With Toomey. The rally will be 12:20–1:00 pm at 2nd and Chestnut Streets. We'll demand our senators pass a bold reconciliation package that addresses our priorities and also get the For the People Act passed to save democracy.

Here’s how the Report Cards work:

1. Click this link or the image above to open the document.

2. SAVE the document to your computer.

3. Fill out the two report cards – one for each senator.

4. SAVE again to save your message.

5. Email the document back to us at this link.

We’ll have extra report cards at the rally for you to fill out in person if you prefer.

California Recall – There’s still time to help our California friends

Californians helped us win Pennsylvania for Biden last year when they wrote thousands upon thousands of postcards with us. Now it’s time for us to help California keep a Democrat in the governor’s seat. Next Tuesday, September 14, is California's recall election on Gov. Gavin Newsom. It’s a critically important election for the whole country, not just California. You can read all about why it’s so important at this link and at this link.

Here are options for how you can help:

* Call the Central Valley: Vote No on the Recall, Tuesdays 5:30–7:30 pm PT and Saturdays 1–3 pm PT


Registering voters is critically important to turning out the vote, so let’s get it done! For the farmers markets below we are doing in partnership with the Food Trust, which operates farmers markets around the city. The exception is the Germantown Farmers Market, which is now operated by Philly Forest. Sign up for a two-hour shift.

Saturday, September 18, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Saturday, September 25, Noon to 4:00 pm

More coming soon!


We’re really getting rolling with this project! Our Neighborhood Leaders are out already talking to their neighbors about voting and elections. Join this project to be a Neighborhood Leader engaging with voters at 35 addresses in your neighborhood. You’ll go to doors a few times per year and use the information we provide about upcoming elections. You’ll be ready to be the local election expert after our training session and the information and handouts we’ll provide. We’ll also provide the addresses in coordination with you, plus door hangers, election information – everything you’ll need!

If you want more info or to sign up email us at this link!


We are writing postcards to persuade infrequent voters to get out and vote next year to secure Democratic victories for the open U.S. Senate seat and the open PA Governor’s seat. We are writing to every single voter in Philadelphia who does not usually vote in midterm elections.

Here’s how it works –

The handwritten script is only two sentences plus you’ll also write the address. We recommend you order enough cards to write over the next two months.

The packet you receive will include the postcards and the list of addresses. We’ll email you all the instructions and the script. Please order your postcards in multiples of 50.

We ask that you donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards to cover our costs. But don’t let the donation stop you from ordering the postcard packets. On the other hand, if you can, please consider chipping in a little extra to cover the cost for those who cannot.

Here’s how to sign up –

1. Email us at this link to tell us how many postcards you want.

2. Purchase your 36-cent postcard stamps online at this link or at your local post office.

3. Donate $7.00 per set of 50 postcards at this link. (Plus an extra $5.00 if we are shipping to you.)

Here’s how to receive your postcards –

  • If you are in the Philadelphia area, we will deliver the postcard packets to you or you can pick them up. If you haven’t written postcards with us before, please give us your address.

  • If you are outside the Philadelphia area, we can ship the packet to you. Please add $5.00 to your donation for shipping costs.


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