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We Need Bold Infrastructure Bills!

Victoria Miller

Happy Wednesday, Activists!

We hope you had a wonderful long weekend, and for those who celebrate Rosh Hashanah we wish you Shanah tovah.

So, just when we think the path forward to save democracy was clear cut, we get thrown a curveball. This takes some explaining.

You may know that there was a recent revolt by 10 House Conservatives on the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIF). This bill passed the Senate and is sitting in the House. The strategy among House Democrats has been to vote on the BIF and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package at the same time (more on that later). The recent revolt forced a commitment by leadership to an up-or-down vote on the BIF by September 27, which means we need the reconciliation bill ready to go on the same timeline.

On the other hand, if the BIF passes before the reconciliation package (which is what the revolting Dems wanted), there’s a real risk that conservative Democrats in the House and Senate will declare themselves satisfied, start fretting about “the deficit,” and refuse to move on a big reconciliation package. That would be very, very bad.

Plus, it's clear that the White House has decided to prioritize getting Sen. Manchin’s and Sen. Sinema’s support for the reconciliation package over twisting their arms on S.1 and the filibuster. It’s not great, but it’s the political reality we face right now. And the September 27 deadline means the reconciliation bill is going to suck up most of the oxygen on Capitol Hill for September.

So our advocacy over the next month needs to shift to winning an inclusive recovery package that fights climate change and makes peoples’ lives better. Check out the five recovery priorities for the final bill.

Right now, House Democrats are working in committees to decide the details of the reconciliation package. This is the period when conservative Democrats will try to undermine the biggest and boldest parts of the bill, and we can’t let that happen. This is the focus of our first Call To Action and it is critical.


1. Ensure progressive priorities are in the reconciliation bill

One of the most important committees marking up the reconciliation bill is the Ways and Means Committee. And lucky for us, Representatives Boyle and Evans sit on Ways and Means and will make key decisions on what policies are included in the overall recovery package, including tax policy to pay for the progressive policies that will be in there. This is essential, so let's make some calls!

Call your Representative – Boyle or Evans -- every day and ask them to make sure the tax structure pays for our five recovery priorities in the final bill.

Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila. office 215-276-0340; email link

Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila. office 215-335-3355; email link

2. Protect Women’s Reproductive Rights

Also, following the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Texas anti-abortion law, Nancy Pelosi announced that the House will soon vote on Congresswoman Judy Chu’s Women’s Health Protection Act, which will enshrine reproductive health rights across the nation.

Call our Representatives and tell them to vote for the Women’s Health Protection Act.

And call Senator Casey and ask him to co-sponsor this bill!

Sen. Casey. – Phila. office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link

Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila. office 215-276-0340; email link

Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila. office 215-335-3355; email link

UPDATE -- Senator Casey’s Drive-In Town Hall

We now have the sign-up link for Senator Casey’s Drive-in Town Hall TOMORROW, September 9, at 5:00 pm (“doors” open at 4:00) in Bucks County. He’ll take live questions and you can see all the details and also sign up at this link. You must sign up to attend.

What: Casey Drive-In Town Hall

When: September 9 at 5:00 pm (opens at 4:00 pm)

Where: Lower Bucks County Campus of Bucks Co. Community College, 1304 Veterans Highway, Bristol, PA 19007

NEXT TUESDAY Rally to welcome the Senate back in session & tell them to do their job!

Next week the Senate is back in session. So we’ll rally with Tuesdays With Toomey and tell our senators to get to work to pass infrastructure legislation and the For the People Act no matter what it takes.

When – Tuesday, September 14, at 12:20 pm

Where – 2nd and Chestnut Street, in front of Sen. Toomey’s office

ALSO – New Constituent Comment Cards!– this time they’re Report Cards on Sen. Casey and Sen. Toomey performance. Click this link to tell them what you want them to do on Democracy Reform, Infrastructure, and the Filibuster. We’ll deliver them to their offices next Tuesday.

This is how it works –

1. Open the google doc at this link.

2. Insert your comments in the bottom half of the document; fill out your info and sign it.

3. Save it to your computer.

4. Email it back to us at this link and we'll print it out.


1. Redistricting and Gerrymandering

Join us for a meeting with Fair District’s Carol Kuniholm. She’ll give us the scoop on Pennsylvania’s redistricting process, where it stands now, and what we can do to advocate to prevent regular gerrymandering. This will affect our voting for the next 10 years!

When: Wednesday, September 22, 4:00 pm

Where: Zoom

2. Deb Ciamacca – Candidate for the PA House

You know how important it is to flip PA legislative seats to bring progressive change to our state. Deb Ciamacca is a fantastic candidate who is working hard to do just that. A former Marine and former teacher, she is already canvassing for next year’s election. She will bring her stories from her “listening tour” to this meeting. You’ll learn what it’s like to talk to MAGA voters and learn what’s on their minds, plus her strategy for getting out the vote. Deb has some amazing stories and you’ll be inspired by her story and her energy to make positive change.

When: Tuesday, October 19, 6:30 pm

Where: Zoom

3. SAVE THE DATE: Women’s Reproductive Health – Where Do We Go From Here?

This will be an amazing and timely meeting. Our speakers will be Kathryn Kolbert and Julie Kay. They just authored a new book: Controlling Women: What We Must Do Now to Save Reproductive Freedom.

In 1992, Kolbert argued before the United States Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the seminal case that challenged five abortion regulations in Pennsylvania. The ruling modified but upheld the rights established in Roe v. Wade.

Our speakers will talk to us about what this landscape looks like after the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Texas anti-abortion law and the cases scheduled to come before it next year. And they’ll offer what we should be ready to do in light of those realities. We are partnering with Turn PA Blue on this event.

When: Thursday, November 11, 7:30 pm

Where: Zoom

The sign-up link will be coming.


When: This Thursday, September, 6:30–8:30 pm

Where: Zoom


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