Happy Tuesday, Activists! We hope your week is off to a good start. Today we talk climate and some new information on where the Biden administration stands on taking action. Let's keep up the pressure!
Make the calls - it only takes 2 minutes!

Some potentially good news on the climate front. There are indications that the Biden administration is considering invoking the Defense Production Act (DPA) for climate actions. It would allow them to massively ramp up our ability to manufacture clean energy technology, transition to renewables, and create millions of jobs.
We need to keep the heat on to get this done and then get the President to declare a national emergency, unlocking the full power of the executive to address climate change. Read more detail about how the Executive Action would work. Call or email Senator Casey and ask him to tell Biden to use the Defense Production Act and declare a Climate Emergency with executive action. Then call or email the White House with the same message.
Sen. Casey: Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link. For outside PA: Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link. Call the White House comment line: 202-456-1111 (open Tuesday-Thursday, 11am-3pm Eastern). Email the White House at www.whitehouse.gov/contact For Twitter! Tweet at POTUS and his Chief of Staff, Ron Klain with the same message. Here's the tweet to copy and paste:
@POTUS I’m calling on you to use your authority to declare a national climate emergency to transition to clean renewable energy and create millions of good paying jobs. #LetsGoJoe CC: @RonaldKlain
35 Doors Project Our Neighborhood Leaders are getting the job done - talking to neighbors to get out the vote! You can too, and we'll train you.
Read more detail about this fantastic Project.
Check out our 35 Doors website page.
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Postcards! Our Postcard Project to get out the vote for the Primary election is going strong! They're flying out the door but we need to do more. Sign up here. Questions? Read all the info to get started
More Voter Outreach! Sign up for a couple. Find more dates on the calendar - Voter Registration and Canvassing over the next two months. This is where it gets done - and it's fun! We'll train you first and give you a partner to go with. Or bring a friend! Questions? Email us.