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 63 Days Until Election Day


Happy Thursday, Activists! 


We have some news! We have new information about events for the day and night of the Presidential Debate.  Plus we have a couple of new voter registration opportunities for you.  


First, we need to cancel our own Debate Rally for Kamala Harris that many of you have signed up for already.  But there is a replacement!  The Harris campaign has announced some volunteer opportunities for that day that you can sign up for instead.  These will provide all the support for the Vice President that you had already wanted to provide.  The links to sign up are below. 


Plus, the Harris campaign and other organizations are sponsoring debate watch parties around the city and beyond.  The signups for those are also below.  Take your pick!


Finally, check out the new voter registration opportunities below too!


You can see all of our other events scheduled so far at our Mobilize link here. 




The Harris campaign has special volunteer opportunities for the day of the debate, on Tuesday,  September 10.  You can see them at this link and sign up!  If you signed up for our rally, please sign up for one of these instead.  


Here is a list of watch parties planned for the night of the debate.  The links to sign up are below.


Here is the corrected link for this one:





Voters of Tomorrow is holding a watch party at McGillin’s Olde Ale House, 1310 Drury St. Second Floor, There will be an optional virtual text bank if you want to participate in that. This is in coordination with several other progressive groups including us.  The sign-up is coming soon so stay tuned!


There are also opportunities for canvassing all over Philadelphia with the Harris campaign during their weekend of action for this coming weekend.  You can sign up here.




Mighty Writers runs weekday food & diaper distributions from several of their locations.  We have been doing voter registration there once a month.  We register voters while they wait in line and also use the opportunity to talk to them about the benefits of signing up for voting by mail, reminding them of election deadlines and other important voting info.  Join us!


Where: Mighty Writers West, 3520 Fairmount Ave. Philadelphia 

When:  Wednesday Sept. 18, 11:30 - 1:00

When:  Wednesday October 16, 11:30 - 1:00 


Where:  Mighty Writers North, Vaux Family Center, 2300 Master Street, Philadelphia 

When:  Thursday Sept. 19, 11:30 - 1:00 

When: Thursday October 17, 11:30 - 1:00 


And One More Thing:

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