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Happy Thursday, Activists!


A quick update today on our next Cards & Coffee event.  Many of you have heard that the OCF coffee shops have closed because the workers voted to form a union.  That's another issue, but for us it means that the OCF on Fairmount Avenue that we use for our Cards & Coffee events is now closed.  So we need a new location.  But fear not!


Fortunately, one of our volunteers has arranged for a large space in her building to be available to us!  Woo-hoo!  Same day, same time.  It is in Center City and is one of the towers with a gorgeous view.  Due to building concerns, we will give the exact location to everyone who has signed up and CONFIRMED you are coming.  If you already signed up and confirmed, there is no need to do it again.  If you have not, please do it with the link below!


Where:  Center City Office Building Meeting Space

When:  Thursday, June 20th at 11:00AM


And One More Thing:

Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


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