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Two Weeks!

Victoria Miller

Happy Tuesday, Activists! We hope your week is off to a good start. We know that many of you are working like crazy to get out the vote. You are wonderful! If you haven't found the right thing for you to do yet, check out our lists below and let us know how you can help. As you know, the deadline to apply to register to vote was yesterday. We had four voter registration drives over the weekend, and our crack Voter Registration Leadership Team didn't stop then. They went to City Hall yesterday to register the procrastinators!

ELECTION INFORMATION Find all your voter information here.

REACH VOTERS WITH US! See all of our events at this link.

Canvassing In Philadelphia

Check out these fabulous canvassers from this past weekend! We all had breakfast at Country Club Diner, went over the script and instructions, and then went out and talked to voters! We had a great time. You should join us! Sign up below.

Queen Village / Bella Vista When: Saturday, October 29, 11:00 am Where: Meet at Cianfrani Park, 8th and Fitzwater Streets. And we're bringing you breakfast! Sign up here. Overbrook When: Sunday, October 30, noon Where: Meet at Tustin Playground, North 59th Street & West Columbia Ave. Need a ride? Just let us know! Sign up here.

Oxford Circle When: Saturday, November 5, 11:00 am Where: Meet at the Country Club Diner, 1717 Cottman Avenue. We’ll buy you breakfast! Need a ride? Just let us know! Sign up here. Overbrook When: Sunday, November 6, noon Where: Meet at Tustin Playground, North 59th Street & West Columbia Ave. Need a ride? Just let us know! Sign up here.

NEW!!! Talk to Voters at Our Billboard Truck for GOTV!! This is a new one for us! We have rented an LED Digital Billboard Truck for the last four days before the election - November 5, 6, 7, and 8. It will be stationed at various locations around Philadelphia with high pedestrian traffic. So we need YOU to be with the truck for an hour or so to answer voters' questions and hand out helpful literature. We'll have the shifts and locations set very soon but in the meantime, if you're interested, sign up here and we'll get in touch with you about the specific shift that you want. You can bring a friend too! It will be a lot of fun. These will be friendly areas and we'll just be reminding people to get out and vote!

Phone Banking and Text Banking with Indivisible Indivisible national has a variety of great phone banks and text banks for candidates who need our help. Check them out here.

TONIGHT IS THE DEBATE! Some may not have noticed, but you probably know that tonight is the Fetterman vs. Oz debate. It's at 8:00. If you want to go to a watch party, Philly For Fetterman is holding one at the Black Sheep Pub, 247 S. 17th Street. Find out more info here.


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