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Today's the Day

Victoria Miller

Good morning, Activists!

This is it! We’ve been working together toward this day for nearly four years. And we’re in it together today and going forward. You’ve worked so hard for a victory in this election. No matter what happens, you’ve won by working like crazy to protect our democracy. So remember that fact when you’re watching the returns come in. And join us tonight to watch together, even for a little while.

There’s Still Time For You To Get Out The Vote – 

Many of you have already voted but there’s more you can do today. Instead of stress eating all the Halloween candy, you can make some calls! I PROMISE this will ease your nerves. There’s still time to sign up for a phone call shift. You can go here to see the shifts available to make last-minute calls to voters to make sure they cast their ballot today. 

Info You Can Use For Voting Today – 

And for those of you voting at the polls today, here are some reminders for you. And if you’ve already voted, you can give your friends and family this information in case they need it. Much is this is found in Billy Penn’s comprehensive coverage and in the Committee of Seventy info sheets. 

Election Protection --  Call 866-687-8683. This is staffed by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and will answer any technical election question.

You can also report any election concerns (such as intimidation, interference, illegal voting, or unlawful electioneering) at the District Attorney’s Election Task Force at 215-686-9641

The number for VotesPa is 877-868-3722.

Voter Assistance Hotline – 833-728-6837 (833-PAVOTES). It’s the PA Dems hotline staffed by knowledgeable volunteers.

Polling Places -- There will be more than 700 polling places open in Philadelphia, triple what we had during the primary.  Here's a map and how to look yours up. To reduce lines, officials are urging voters with mail ballots to use them — you can return them until 8 p.m. TODAY at any of these locations.

Satellite Election Offices are open to drop off ballots from 11:30 AM to 8 PM. If you requested a mail-in ballot but haven't received one yet you can go to a satellite office to get a new one printed from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm. So do it now if you need to!  Do NOT mail your ballot, but drop it off at these Satellite Election Offices or Drop Boxes instead of sending them through USPS. Click here for Satellite Election Office and Drop Box locations with a map!

Have a mail-in ballot but want to go to the polls? It’s still better to drop off your ballot, but if you requested a mail-in ballot but decide to vote in-person at your polling place today, you must bring your mail-in ballot with you. You will need to surrender your mail-in ballot by giving it to one of the poll workers. You will need to bring the ballot and the declaration envelope (The outermost return envelope). If you do not have your mail-in ballot, you will be able to vote by provisional ballot.

Polling sites in Pennsylvania are open 7 AM to 8 PM today.

Before You Leave To Vote – 

-- Check your voter registration status.  Confirm that you can vote in Philadelphia for the election.

-- Find your polling place.  See above.

-- Bring a mask or face covering.

  • Masks will be strongly encouraged. Voters who don’t have a mask will be provided with one.

  • Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to vote.

  • If you are in line by 8 p.m., you must be allowed to vote.

-- Make a travel plan.  To help ensure social distancing guidelines, make a plan to get to the polls safely. 

At The Polls – 

When you’re at your polling place, please follow social distancing guidelines.

  • Stay six feet away from everyone and wear a mask or face covering.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available, and voters will be provided a plastic glove to prevent shared transmission by pens or touch screens.

  • The voting machines are accessible, and accommodations can be made if people need additional assistance. Poll workers can also help you if you have any questions or need help.

  • Check out this voting machine guide for more information about how to use the voting machines.

-- Be patient!  Due to COVID-19 distancing requirements, it will take a little longer to vote this time.  Try to allow for this in advance of going to the polls.  And go as early as you can!

Your Rights When You Vote – 

  • If the polls close while you’re still in line, stay in line – you have the right to vote.

  • If you make a mistake on your ballot, ask for a new one.

When You Need Identification –

If you have voted at your polling location before, you do not need to bring ID to vote. Only voters who are voting for the first time in their election district need to show ID. Acceptable ID includes both photo IDs, and non-photo IDs that show your address.

Acceptable IDs for first-time voters:

  • Driver’s license

  • U.S. passport

  • Any ID issued by the commonwealth or federal government

  • Military, student, or employee ID

  • Voter registration card

  • Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check

If Your Name Is Not In The Poll Book – 

The local officials at your polling place should call the county board of elections to determine if you are registered. If you are, you should be able to vote. If the county cannot find your name, but you believe you are registered and omitted from the poll book, you may vote a provisional ballot.

For Voters With Disabilities –

Many polling places have moved this year to support social distancing and historic voter turnout! Before you head to the polls, please confirm your polling place on

After you're done, forward this email or share the link with other voters you know are voting in person tomorrow.

If You Need A Ride Or Know Someone Who Does – 

Voters can schedule a free ride to the polls by calling the Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Hotline at 833-PA-VOTES (833-728-6837)!


After you do the GOTV work, you can join us for the election night returns.  And we know, it’s stressful to even think about it but you’ll feel a heck of a lot better knowing you worked to get those votes out.  We’re here for you!  Join us any time tonight to watch the results come in.

When:  Tonight! 8:00 pm.


This is about what we’ll do after the election, in the likely case that Trump decides to declare victory and order the voting to stop while mail-in ballots are still being counted. Or if he refuses to leave office, or any number of other scenarios. We need to be prepared to act the moment he starts to interfere with the results of the election process. 

What can you do? You can sign up here to get all the notifications. Our rally begins at Independence Mall at 1:00 pm with exciting speakers and music. At about 3:30 we’ll march to City Hall with big banners and music. Sign up and you’ll get all the details.

We expect that these mobilizations will continue for at least a few days, so the events after this first one will feature different activities, such as car caravans, light brigades and other actions. There will be something for everyone.  Stay tuned for more information.  

The Protect the Results coalition includes over 150 grassroots organizations, progressive and conservative advocacy groups, government watchdogs, voting rights advocates, and labor unions. We are planning non-violent “Count Every Vote” peaceful protests to demand that every vote is counted and to help ensure the peaceful transition of power.

For some inspiring background, check out this article about how “These ordinary citizens are preparing to fight a coup in November”

And check out this banner!  This is one of the three we'll carry when we march tomorrow. Each banner displays one word --  Count. Every. Vote.

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