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Supreme Court Call To Action


Happy Tuesday, Activists!


We hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Today we have a Call To Action (it's a little long this time) about the problems with the MAGA wing of the Supreme Court and the lack of oversight of this branch of government. Please make the calls! 


And if you have friends who are worried about the Court too, send them this newsletter and ask them to make the calls.  They'll just leave a voicemail, so it's super easy!




As you are likely aware, much reporting is finally revealing to us, often years after the incidents in question, that certain justices on the Supreme Court are not abiding by even the most basic ethical and legal norms, norms that are required of all judges on the lower federal courts.  And they are showing their affinity for illegal MAGA actions, like the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol.  That's a problem for a democracy, to say the least.


Let's recap:  

1).  Justice Clarence Thomas received just a few things from billionaire Republican donors who want to buy - and have apparently received - influence on the court:   

*  Luxury vacations to exclusive resorts via private jets and mega-yachts;

*  A free RV;

*  Free tuition for a young relative;

*  The renovation and purchase of his mother’s house.


2). Justice Alito has received fancy fishing trips with billionaire donors.  And now, even more disturbingly, Justice Alito has flown two flags used during the January 6th insurrection over his two homes.  First, it was reported -- 4 years afterward -- that the upside-down American flag was flown in front of the Alito's Virginia home.  The Justice blamed his wife, but the flag was reportedly there for 2-5 days according to neighbors, so you be the judge, as it were.  And a week later, it was reported that last summer Alito also flew a different flag popular with the January 6th insurrectionists. He hasn't provided us an excuse about that one.  


3). And along the donor lines, it’s now being reported that Leonard Leo has also flown the same “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside of his house in Maine as well.  For a quick refresh, Leonard Leo is the longtime leader of the conservative Federalist Society who has helped usher in the extremist wing of the court by being the power broker behind MAGA Supreme Court nominations and other billionaire donors.


You might say there's a MAGA problem at the Court.  And we need Congress to take action to do oversight of this other branch of our government, as is their right, and we would say their duty.  So far, Senator Dick Durbin, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has the power to investigate this but is unwilling to do it.  We cannot accept this.


Here's your Call To Action:

Ask our senators to call on Senator Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee to do everything in their power to investigate Alito and the other corrupt MAGA justices. They must uncover the truth and hold these justices accountable.  

Make sure your senators are being vocal about the need for an investigation into Alito’s corruption.


Here are some message Ideas to use on your call: 

*  Congress cannot just accept a corrupt court and I ask that you and the Senate do everything in your power to expose that corruption and root it out.

*  Samuel Alito has shown time and time again that his loyalty is to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. Yet, he’s ruling on cases related to January 6, like whether or not Trump has immunity for inciting the insurrection.

*  Alito cannot trust him to be an impartial arbiter of the law and we cannot trust the Supreme Court while he is on the bench. 

*  I’m counting on you to call on Senator Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee to do everything in their power to investigate Alito and the other corrupt MAGA justices. They must uncover the truth and hold these justices accountable.


Here is the contact info:

Sen. Casey – Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324  email link.

Sen. Fetterman – Phila office 215-241-1090; D.C. 202-224-4254; email link

If you're outside PA:  Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link.


Voter Registration In Apartment Buildings


We are in the process of setting up voter registration drives in the lobbies of apartment buildings.   We would love some help making connections with building management, so if you live in an apartment building, let us know!  Let's talk about how you could help us ask the management of your building about setting up a simple drive in the lobby.  Email us at and let's talk!




We are starting up our Cards And Coffee in-person postcard writing event.  We'll write postcards, drink some good coffee and have some good conversations.  


You can bring the postcards from our current campaign that you still have not finished up or we'll have some other postcards we can give you to write. 


When:  Wednesday, June 5th at 11:00 AM

Where:  OCF Coffee Shop, 2100 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia




You can sign up and help save democracy!   Join our 35 Doors Project and canvass to some doors right in your neighborhood. We give you everything you need for success!  You can reply to this newsletter to learn more. 


It's the very most effective and important work you can do to get voters to the polls.  And we have fun!  Reply to this newsletter or email us at and let's talk!


You can find more information about how this works in our earlier newsletter at this link.  


And One More Thing:

Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


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