Happy Friday, Activists ~ We hope you're all doing well during this difficult week. You can go to a big rally today and show your outrage at the very real prospect of women losing their reproductive rights. Add to that even more rights could be jeopardy if the Republican Supreme Court continues to remove our privacy rights in the future. Before you go to the rally, make the call in our Call To Action, below.

Join this rally and hear from Governor Tom Wolf, Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Representative Madeleine Dean and others TODAY at 1:30 pm. The rally has been moved due to inclement weather to the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Broad Street Atrium, 1101 Arch Street. Date: TODAY, May 6, 2022 Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center – Broad Street Atrium, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107 RSVP here.
CALL TO ACTION The Senate could solve this and guarantee women's reproductive healthcare rights by passing the Women's Health Protection Act. It would codify Roe into law and the House has already passed it. Senator Chuck Schumer has announced he'll bring it to a Senate vote next week. However, it's a very tough road for this bill, as it would require 60 votes and thus removal of the filibuster. And even if that happens, we would need all 50 Democrats to vote yes. Call Senator Casey and demand he vote YES. Even though it is entirely unclear whether he will be a yes vote on it, we need to let him know that we demand he vote to protect our rights. Call or email Senator Casey and tell him to vote YES on the Women's Health Protection Act. It's time to codify Roe. Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link.
COMING SOON - POSTCARD PROJECT TO DEFEND CHOICE Very shortly we will announce a new postcard project to let voters know the stakes in this election and that women's healthcare and so much more is on the line. Stay tuned!
PRIMARY ELECTION INFORMATION Find all your election information at our handy link - linktr.ee/VotePHL. Read about the ballot questions in our earlier newsletters here and here. Know your deadlines: May 10 – Last Day to apply for a Mail-in or Absentee Ballot - Do it now. May 17 – Primary Election Day – polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm May 17 – Last Day for County Election Board to receive your Mail-in or Absentee Ballot by 8:00 pm
GET OUT THE VOTE WITH US First -- Get involved with our very successful 35 Doors Project! We have many Neighborhood Leaders out there now talking to their neighbors about this year's elections. It's the most effective way to get out the vote! We'll give you all the tools you need. Learn about it here and find out more and sign up here. Check out all of the voter outreach events and sign up at this link. Read about them in Tuesday's newsletter at this link. More dates coming soon!