Happy Monday, Activists!
We hope you had a great weekend! Today we have an update on our 35 Doors Project and a reminder about our current postcard project. Plus, come to our meeting next Monday with Dr. David Nickerson - in person! - about how to effectively get out the vote.
If you are listening to the news and biting your nails and feeling super stressed, we have the relief! Taking action is the best way to relieve your anxiety, so let's get going!
Our postcard project is off and running! To date, you all are writing to more than a whopping 100,000 Philadelphia voters! Take a bow!! We hope you like our new streamlined signup process too. It's making it a lot easier on our very hard working postcard leadership team. You can see all the details about why we're doing this project at this link in our earlier newsletter.
As a reminder, here is how it works:
1. For this postcard, there is very little for you to write. Just the voter's name and address on the front of the card and just nine words on the back!
You can see the new card at this link. Please order as many as you think you'll write when you fill out the form, to avoid repeat orders.
2. Fill out this form to order your postcards, which will give us all the information we need to fulfill your postcard request. Hit the "submit" button. You will receive an email from us with all the instructions and your list of voters and addresses. Then we'll deliver your postcards.
3. We ask that you donate $7.00 at this link for each set of 50 addresses. This is our regular Act Blue account for our donations. We will know it's for your postcards though!
If we have to mail the cards to you please add an extra $7.00 for that postage. But if the cost is too much for you please don't worry about it. We want you to write the cards!
4. After you order the postcards, YOU'LL NEED TO BUY YOUR POSTCARD STAMPS EITHER ONLINE AT THIS LINK OR AT YOUR POST OFFICE. The stamps are 53 cents apiece.
5. And if you are able, please think about throwing in a little extra donation for the folks who can't. Thank you!!
7. Please mail the postcards as you complete them. However, we would like for you to have them all completed and mailed by the end of June or so.
We hear you. We know you're worried about this year's election. After all, we need to re-elect President Biden. We need to keep the Senate. And we need to take back the House. The good news is that we have the very best way for you to get voters to the polls to vote for Democrats (come to next Monday's meeting to find out more)! And that's talking to your neighbors about elections in friendly conversations.
You may know that in Philadelphia we sure have our work cut out for us. You might want to check out this Inquirer article about how our local Dem party may not be getting the job done. So that's why our work is ever more important.
We give you everything you need -- a script/talking points, handouts, door hangers, a clipboard, buttons and stickers, and a handy portfolio to keep everything in. And you can select the addresses you want to go to. It's easy, close to your home, and you can do it on your own time. And we have a way you can do this in your apartment building if that's where you live.
You can find out more in person in a couple of weeks because we're meeting just for this project. We've invited our Neighborhood Leaders and those interested in becoming one for brunch at Jack's Firehouse, 2130 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia on Saturday, May 25th at 11:15. Sign up here so we have a count.
Here's how it works:
1. Let us know you're interested in learning more by sending us an email at vicki@indivisiblephiladelphia.com (or reply to this newsletter).
2. We'll set up a call to give you more detail, answer your questions, and confirm you'd like to be part of this project.
3. Then we'll set up a zoom meeting with you and go over the map of the voters in your neighborhood and you'll pick the blocks and addresses you want to canvass.
4. We'll bring you all the materials you'll need a few weeks before the election.
Also, to learn more now, go to this page on our website.
It's time again to find out about the latest research in what is working to get out the vote and to persuade voters.
Join us for pizza and beverages in this in-person meeting where our speaker will be Dr. David Nickerson, a distinguished Temple University professor. His expertise is in testing and developing data to learn the most effective techniques to get out the vote and also how to persuade voters to your side. He will speak to both of these issues with us.
We'll provide pizzas and beverages to begin the meeting and then introduce Dr. Nickerson. Bring your questions!
When: Monday, May 20th at 6:00 PM
Where: Ethical Society, 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103
And One More Thing:
Share our social media pages to make sure you and everyone you know is updated on our projects for this year’s critical elections.