Happy Friday, Activists ~ We hope your week has been a good one. We've been hearing from you about your anxiety over the leaked Supreme Court draft ruling removing abortion rights. Well, we know what relieves anxiety over these types of issues - taking action. Even taking what seems like a small action still helps us know we're making a difference and that is a big deal. So take on something below, even if it seems really small!
THE PRIMARY ELECTION - NEXT TUESDAY! Find all your election information at our handy link - linktr.ee/VotePHL. Use it to find your polling place, read a sample ballot, and all the other information you need for election day. Watch these short, cool videos we collaborated on to talk about voting -- Watch this fantastic video by Conrad Benner that we collaborated on - "Why I Vote" Watch this other fantastic video on the details for voting in the Primary election. Like them and share them with your friends and family! Read about the ballot questions in our earlier newsletters here and here. Here's the Billy Penn Procrastinator’s Guide for more info. The election day details: May 17 – Primary Election Day – polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm May 17 – Last Day for County Election Board to receive your Mail-in or Absentee Ballot by 8:00 pm
TOMORROW - REACH VOTERS AND HAVE SOME FUN You have two big opportunities to talk to voters tomorrow - and more after that! 1. You can register voters at the Kensington Derby and Arts Festival and check out the great food choices and arts and crafts items while you're there. Sign up for the Kensington Festival here. We still need volunteers for the 2:00 to 4:00 shift.
2. Or you can canvass in the 53rd Ward! Sign up to canvass here. 3. And there's so much more! Check out our many upcoming voter outreach events and sign up at this link. Read about them in a recent newsletter at this link.
TOMORROW - BANS OFF OUR BODIES RALLY Women's March Philadelphia and Planned Parenthood are hosting a Bans Off Our Bodies Rally tomorrow at City Hall from 10:00 am to noon. You can sign up here.

On Tuesday we announced our new postcard project and you've responded already! Relieve your anxiety and write to voters and remind them of the stakes in this election. See all the info at this link. Or just email us here and make your donation for the cards at this link.
CALL TO ACTION - THANK SENATOR CASEY The Senate took a vote this week on the passage of the Women's Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe into law. And Senator Casey changed his view from a few months ago and voted YES! Your calls to him over the last few months made a difference. Now, call and thank him for standing with us. This kind of message matters too. Call or email Senator Casey and thank him for his YES vote on the Women's Health Protection Act. Phila. office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324; email link.
SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS SO WOMEN GET SERVICES THEY NEED When Roe falls, 26 states are in line to criminalize abortion with 13 of those states already having laws on the books that impose that change immediately. The demand on local abortion funds will increase immediately with some Americans needing to travel hundreds of miles in order to make a personal medical decision. Find our list of organizations around the country that you can support to help the most vulnerable women in need of services to avoid forced births. If someone in your life wants or needs more information on the impact of abortion rights being stripped away, you can send them this video entitled Someone You Love.
COMING SOON! We are in the process of scheduling another meeting with Kathryn Kolbert, the co-author of “Controlling Women: What We Must Do Now to Save Reproductive Freedom.” She and her co-author, Julie Kay, spoke to us last November and it was a hugely successful meeting. In 1992, Kolbert argued before the U. S. Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the seminal case that challenged five abortion regulations in Pennsylvania. The ruling modified but upheld the rights established in Roe v. Wade. Watch the video that has Kathryn's advice for this moment that she offered in that meeting. This will be held after the Roe ruling is formally issued by the Supreme Court, expected at the end of June. Stay tuned for more information on this timely and informative meeting soon.