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Exciting Times Are Here

Victoria Miller

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Happy Tuesday, Activists!

We hope you're having a good week. We have some exciting news and events coming up for you below.

But first, before we get to that and our CTAs, you can check out our upcoming actions in last Friday’s newsletter at this link. And you can go to our Eventbrite page at this link and see the new opportunities we’ve added since then.

Exciting Event TONIGHT at 8:00 PM

Join Indivisible for a #TimeToDeliver livestream with Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Indivisible’s own Leah Greenberg, United We Dream’s Greisa Martínez Rosas, Working Families Party’s Maurice Mitchell, and more surprise special guests. They will talk about what’s at stake, the fight ahead, and what we need you to do to have progressives’ backs. You won’t want to miss it. Sign up here or click on the image below.


We'll let you know all the details on Friday, but we are planning a really fun party to thank you all for your activism this year! We're planning a Quizzo night on a date after the November 2 elections. We'll provide the food and there will be prizes too. So stand by for more information coming in the Friday newsletter!

And now, on to the Calls To Action

Last week was a busy one for Congress, but now that the Senate has finalized a short-term deal on extending the debt ceiling until December, we need to get Congress back on track to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better reconciliation package. This is how it lines up:

(1) The next deadline is October 31, when the current short-term funding for transportation and infrastructure is set to expire.

(2) So they'll need to pass the bipartisan infrastructure deal before then.

(3) And before that, we need the House AND the Senate to pass reconciliation.

And what's in the Build Back Better plan again? Check out this fun 60-second video explaining it - and send it to your friends!

Plus, here's a short list of what needs to be in the package:

* Lowering drug prices, expanding Medicare to cover vision, dental, and hearing, lowering the eligibility age to 60 years old;

  • Investments in climate, including a Clean Electricity Performance Program (with no fossil fuels!) and a Civilian Climate Corps

  • Investments in housing, especially deeply affordable housing and housing for unhoused populations

  • Historic investments in the care economy including universal child care, paid leave, and home and community-based care

  • Addressing extreme wealth inequality by taxing the ultra-rich and big corporations so they finally pay their fair share


Rep. Evans – D.C. office 202-225-4001; Phila office 215-276-0340; email link

Rep. Boyle – D.C. office 202-225-6111; Phila office 215-335-3355; email link

Sen. Toomey – Phila office 215-241-1090; D.C. 202-224-4254; email link

Sen. Casey – Phila office 215-405-9660; D.C. 202-224-6324 email link

For outside PA: Find your Senators’ phone numbers and emails at this link.

Call now – tell your representative and our senators to vote on an inclusive recovery package!

This is a key moment for us to push to win the most progressive reconciliation bill possible. We must call our Representative and tell them how important it is that we pass an inclusive recovery bill that works for everyone.

Then, call our senators and demand they pass the bill immediately after the House sends it over.

Call our senators and demand they move quickly on the Freedom to Vote Act.

Senate Democrats released a new version of their democracy reform bill called the Freedom to Vote Act. It builds on the For the People Act and brings us closer to passing transformational democracy reform this Congress. Call our senators and tell them you want them to adjust the filibuster now to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. See more detail about the Act at this link.


1. Here is our resource on the backgrounds of the statewide judicial candidates – PA Supreme Court, PA Superior Court and PA Commonwealth Court. Check them out at this link. We recommend voting for all the Democrats on this list. 2. Read the ratings by the Philadelphia Bar Association – just for the Philadelphia-based candidates – at this link. Luckily, this includes the local judges up for retention. 3. Read the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s ratings and backgrounds for all the statewide judicial candidates. Supreme Court ratings are at this link. Superior Court ratings are at this link. Commonwealth Court ratings are at this link. 4. The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania held forums for the judicial candidates and you can see the videos at this link.

5. See a good roundup of all the races – including District Attorney, City Controller, etc., in this Philadelphia Citizen article at this link. 6. Here's a comprehensive list of voting options and the current map and list of drop boxes, with a few more added, in a great Billy Penn article at this link. 7. The Philadelphia ballot has four ballot questions. You can read an explainer about them at this link. An explainer for Question #3 and the reasons for this change is at this link.

Make sure your voting status is up to date.

1. Voter registration -- You can check it at this link. Find all voting information at or at this link (it's a new web address, same information). The deadline to register is October 18. 2. Vote By Mail -- As a reminder, you must sign up every year to vote by mail for elections that year. In Philadelphia, the mail-in ballots were already mailed out, so you should see yours very soon if you signed up to vote by mail. If you didn't sign up for this year you'll need to go to the polls, unless you sign up immediately. Sign up at this link. The deadline is October 26 but don't wait to the last minute! 3. Ballot drop boxes – Find a map of the locations at this link. All the drop boxes are available 24/7 and are monitored by security cameras. You can only drop off your own ballot unless you fill out this form. 4. Check your ballot status with the state ballot tracker at this link. 5. Ballot Questions The Philadelphia ballot has four ballot questions. You can read an explainer about them at this link. An explainer for Question #3 and the reasons for this change is at this link. 6. Want to be a poll worker? Sign up here to learn more.


We know that the most effective way to convince voters to show up for next year's critical PA elections is to talk to voters. We have two canvasses on the schedule plus a training to help you learn more about them. If you're upset with the obstruction by just two Democrats blocking transformative legislation, we have ways for you to easily make a difference. Click here to sign up for one of our projects to help expand the Democratic majority in the senate next year. If you don't see something you like on that list, let us know! We have other behind-the-scenes projects you can work on.


In our recent meeting with Fair Districts PA we learned about the redistricting process happening now and how we can take action to have an impact on the outcome. You can see the meeting video at this link. You’ll hear exactly what is happening, when you can testify, and exactly the types of arguments that make sense for your testimony.

The redistricting hearings are happening now and the upcoming hearings are listed at this link. The specific information for the Philadelphia (in person) hearing on October 20 is at this link. The deadline to sign up to testify is October 13. You can find all the helpful tips for testifying at this link and more general tips at this link.


From now until October 31, all the funds we raise will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $500! So if you can, please donate even a little to double your contribution and help us maximize this generous matching grant. Thank you!


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